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How to Use Body Language and Voice in Media Interviews

Updated: May 17, 2024

We live in a world dominated by digital media, so an interview isn't just about relaying information—it's an entire performance. Every subtle gesture, intonation, and pause can either bolster your message or detract from it. Non-verbal communication is another important tool for a successful media interview. It's not just what we say, but how we say it that matters. Online, even small facial expressions can be replayed, making our body language as important as our words.

Before delving into specifics, let's understand the backdrop. Our brains are wired to pick up non-verbal cues. These cues help listeners determine authenticity, credibility, and whether someone is trustworthy. Your body language and voice tone are not just additions but central components of your message.

1. Body Language: The Silent Communicator In Media Interviews

a. Stance and Posture:

Standing tall or sitting upright doesn’t just make you look confident—it makes you feel confident. This interesting TED Talk by Amy Cuddy highlights that adopting "power poses" can increase feelings of dominance and confidence.

b. Hand Gestures:

Used wisely, hands can be effective tools for emphasizing points. But be wary of over-gesticulating, which sometimes indicates nervousness. Remember to keep them relaxed, natural, and purposeful.

c. Eye Contact:

The eyes are windows to the soul. When a speaker locks eyes with their audience, it conveys confidence in their words and a genuine interest in the topic at hand. It establishes a connection, creating an invisible bridge between the speaker and listener.

d. Microexpressions:

Microexpressions are brief involuntary facial expressions that occur when people conceal emotions. Training yourself to manage these can help ensure your face doesn’t give away unintended emotions. Some common microexpressions include eyebrows arched upwards, nose scrunches, raised upper lids, narrowing eyes, and tightly pressing lips today.

e. Space Utilization:

Whether moving around during a TED Talk or being seated during a news interview, how you use space matters. Movement can be a powerful tool to engage your audience, but it should be controlled and purposeful.

A simple bite-sized guide by media trainers to help you ace your next media interviews

2. Voice: The Unsung Hero of Effective Communication

a. Volume Control:

Before speaking, especially in a formal setting, test and adjust your volume in relation to the room and equipment. Speaking with a volume that's audible ensures clarity and demonstrates confidence. However, there's a delicate balance to strike.

Raising your voice too much can come off as aggressive, almost as if you're shouting, which can alienate your audience. Be aware of the surroundings — the room's acoustics can amplify or muffle sound. Microphone sensitivity varies; a microphone that’s too sensitive might amplify even the slightest increase in volume.

b. Pitch and Tone:

While maintaining a natural pitch is essential, it's also crucial to vary your tone based on the content of your message. Questions might end on a higher note, while assertions might be deeper and firmer.

c. Rhythm and Cadence:

A well-timed pause, strategically placed, can underscore a point, create anticipation, or allow the listener a moment to digest information. Such pauses can sometimes convey emotions or emphasis more potently than a barrage of words. They act as the punctuation in our spoken narratives, guiding the flow of conversation.

Rhythm, in this context, refers to the ebb and flow of speech — its tempo, cadence, and pauses. It shapes the listener's engagement and comprehension, ensuring that the essence of the message isn't just heard, but felt and internalized.

d. Clarity:

This isn’t just about pronunciation. It's about pacing your words so that they don't jumble together, ensuring every word lands with the audience.

e. Emotion:

Your voice should match the emotion of what you’re conveying. Discussing a serious topic? Your voice should be somber and respectful. Sharing exciting news? Let the enthusiasm shine through.

Seeking to master your media presence? Our team of experts at Bulletproof Media Training can help fine-tune your non-verbal cues and voice modulation. Ensure every message you deliver is powerful and resonates. Reach out now for a free consultation.

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