TV interviews can be nerve-racking, especially if you're not used to being in the spotlight, in front of millions of people. A TV interview is considered more high stakes than other media interviews like radio interviews because you have to worry about body language, eye contact and looking the part. In a radio interview, it is much easier to portray yourself as calm, cool and collected because the audience is not able to pick up on any nervous body language. When you're on TV, the public can pick apart your posture, eye contact, body language and even your voice. So, when it comes to TV interviews, there is an added level of preparation needed so that you both look and act the part. TV interviews can be a way for you and your company to get traction, bring in new clients, and build a good reputation for yourself. A television interview can reach millions of potential consumers, which could be a gamechanger if you kill your interview. Unfortunately, one interview gone wrong could affect your business, and your company's success and could plummet your reputation.
How does TV interview training prepare you for being on TV?
TV interview training takes all the important techniques and tips that you would learn in media training but takes it one step further by teaching all the interview techniques needed for a great interview. You will learn the importance of knowing your key points and practicing them as much as possible. You will be taught to use the interviewer's questions to somehow work in the messages you want to portray. This may mean being very tactical with how to answer the interviewer's questions while being able to veer the conversation in a direction where you're able to deliver your main points. A big part of a media interview is being able to take control of the conversation. You will learn how to assert yourself in a non-threatening way so that you can avoid gruelling questions that may throw you off track while preparing so that you can anticipate and be prepared for anything thrown at you. Having good posture, engaging body language and looking the part is unique to TV interview training. You will be trained to focus on things like wearing makeup, wearing comfortable yet professional clothing and getting a good night's sleep the night before so you look refreshed. Learning to talk in soundbites when delivering your key message is crucial. When you talk in business jargon, your audience may not completely understand you which could mean that your messages aren't being received fully by the public. During your training, you will be shown how to respond to questions in short and sweet sentences while also talking in layman's terms to avoid confusion.

3 ways TV interview training can help you build your reputation
1) It helps to build confidence. Lack of confidence is one of the most prevalent issues seen with individuals and companies who seek out media training. Media interviews can be very scary for most people- even people who have had a lot of experience in the limelight. As a spokesperson, your job is to speak to journalists, interviewers and your audience with confidence. Consumers are less likely to give you business if they feel that you are not confident in yourself, your business or your products. On the other hand, when you're confident, you earn consumers' trust. When you are trusted, you will attract more business and more buzz which will build your reputation.
2) Teaches you how to connect with your audience, tell your story and be authentically you. The main issue we see with "newbies" being interviewed is that they seem very scripted. This can come off as very inauthentic, and in just a few seconds you can turn your audience off of you and your company completely. When you learn how to be yourself, be vulnerable and share your WHY, you tug at your viewer's heartstrings. This will have people talking about you, and your company and will ultimately help build your business.
3) Teaches you all the important do's and don'ts of how to interact with the camera and your interviewer. Industry experts most often than not have many media interviews under their belts and know the importance of working the camera to get their point across. It's essential to learn things like avoiding looking directly at the camera. Instead, you will be taught how to position yourself in a way where you lean slightly towards the camera while making sure you are still engaging with your interviewer. When someone doesn't know how to interact with the camera, their messages may not come through to viewers. Learning these important tips will help make sure that your intention behind your messages comes shining through.
About Bulletproof Media training
Bulletproof Media Training is a communications agency that provides media relations training to entrepreneurs, CEOs and companies to build a positive reputation and achieve objectives. Our team understands how the media works and the importance of media and communications strategies.
Leading her team with success, Tara McCarthy is the founder and media trainer with over 20 years of experience in the field. Her team of skilled trainers, strategists and journalists is carefully curated to meet the needs of trainees. The fully bilingual team of experienced trainers and strategists teaches your company effective techniques for building confidence to improve interview skills when interacting with the media.
Bulletproof Media Training offers media training on demand or in person. Free consultations are available through the contact form at www.bebulletproof.comwww.bebulletproof.com